Dry & Watery Eyes Service

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Do you have dry, watery or uncomfortable eyes? You are not alone as these eye problems consistently affect 1 in 5 people over 45 years old.

Many more are affected occasionally. Did you know that Rawlings offer a specialist service for dry and watery eyes to diagnose and offer treatment for this common problem? Fill in our questionnaire here and see how we can help. Often referred to as 'dry eye syndrome', tear film deficiency can cause numerous problems some of which actually make your eyes feel wet rather than dry.

  • Do your eyes often feel dry, tired or irritated?
  • Do you get grittiness or a stinging/burning sensation?
  • Do certain activities, like reading or working on the computer, make your eyes feel scratchy?
  • Do your eyes water too much?
  • Are you wearing your contact lenses less and less because they become uncomfortable?

Polarised Lenses

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, you may have what eye care practitioners and doctors call dry eye syndrome (even if your eyes seem too watery!). It's a common problem, but you don't have to live with it. The term "dry eye" is used to describe a less than perfect tear film. The tear film lubricates and protects the surface of the eyes - if it is not optimal, friction between the eyeball and the inside of the eyelids can occur.

Sometimes the problem lies with the natural oils in the tears, or the moisture content. Lid edge problems such as Blepharitis can also adversely affect the quality of the tear film. Often there is no link to general health issues but sometimes conditions such as acne rosacea, hormonal imbalance, eyelid abnormalities and medications such as antihistamines, decongestants and birth control can affect it. In addition exposure to air pollution or other environmental factors can be implicated.

Signs and Symptoms

How can you tell if you have dry eyes or blepharitis? Common signs and symptoms include:

Polarised Lenses
  • Redness: bloodshot eyes or pink eyelids can indicate a problem. Sometimes it’s dry eye
  • Discomfort: your eyes burn, sting, feel gritty or are sensitive to light
  • Foreign body sensation: you sometimes feel as if you have something in your eye
  • Watery eyes: in some cases your body will over compensate for poor tear quality by continually trying to flush away the sensation. These watery tears are too runny to lubricate the eye properly so it becomes a vicious circle
  • Sore or red eyelids: lid problems can cause or be the cause of dry eye as this is where some of the oil glands are situated

Polarised Lenses

What happens in a Dry & Watery Eye Assessment?

  • We will take a detailed history of your symptoms as this can give vital information to help treat your problem
  • Using a microscope we will examine your eyes, eye lashes and eyelids and conduct specialised tests to determine the specific cause(s) of your symptoms
  • We will apply diagnostic drops to test your tear film and check for signs of friction
  • We will assess your blinking (blinking refreshes the tear film)
  • We may wish to see you again for further assessment after an appropriate time to review the results of the treatment plan

What should I do next?

  • Contact us to book an appointment
  • If you are unsure, completing our questionnaire will give you more information
  • If you are a member of our Rawlings Vision Plan there is no charge for a Dry & Watery Eye Assessment and you will also get a discount on the treatments, solutions and drops. Click here to find out more about the Rawlings Vision Plan and our fees page is here if you are not a current Rawlings Vision Plan member
  • If your symptoms are new and of recent onset, in some areas of England under specific local authorities an initial short appointment can be offered under the NHS. This  can then be followed up by a full private appointment if continuing advice or treatment is required

Complete our simple questionnaire to see if you need more information.