
Signs of Hearing Loss
Posted: 22/02/2023
The UK National Institute of Health reports that hearing is the most valued sense after eyesight and it is known that hearing loss affects 12 million people in the UK. Over 20% of over 55’s report suffering with hearing loss however around half of those have not been fitted with hearing devices and the average UK adult has not had a hearing test in the last ten years.
Our website has a hearing check online which will give you an indication whether you have a hearing loss or not. It won’t tell you how much hearing loss you might have and it is not the same as a full hearing test conducted by an audiologist, but it will recommend the next steps to take and if your results indicate you may have hearing loss you can book an appointment for a full audiology consultation in one of our branches.
Hearing loss can compound feelings of isolation and loneliness. We know hearing loss can have a detrimental effect on people’s mental health and the way they live their lives so it is important to be aware of any changes in your hearing.
Gradual hearing loss may not be noticeable at first, but the common signs that you might have hearing loss are:

- turning the TV up louder than your family wants it
- finding it hard to follow conversation in pubs and restaurants
- struggling to hear on the phone
- often asking people to repeat what they say
- having your partner complain that you don’t listen to them
- feeling that other people mumble or don’t speak clearly/speak too quickly
The only way hearing loss can be confirmed is through a full hearing test. Our audiologists (hearing specialists) can examine your ears, diagnose any hearing loss and discuss your treatment options with you.
Sudden hearing loss is rare and should be treated differently – if you suddenly lose hearing on one or both ears you should contact your GP or call 111 for advice. Your hearing loss might not be serious, but it could be a medical emergency. If this is the case, there is a very short window of time for treatment to successfully restore hearing.
See our hearing webpage for more information or book an appointment online here.
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