
Dry Eyes – A new drop treatment at Rawlings Opticians
Posted: Monday 26th July 2021
Dry eye – a common eye condition which affects 1 in 4 people in the UK – is a particularly sore point for women of menopausal or post-menopausal age, regular screen users and contact lens wearers, according to results of a new 2,000+ person survey commissioned by leading eye care specialist, Santen. Since the start of the pandemic, screen usage has increased significantly and nearly all of us look at screens for hours each day – this has a direct impact on the number of people that are likely to experience dry eye symptoms. Dry eye can also be found more commonly in people with arthritis & diabetes, and there are medications for other health conditions which can make the eyes dry.
About Dry Eye
Dry eye is a condition which causes eyes to feel scratchy, stingy, itchy or gritty, and although it sounds strange, it can also cause the eyes to run with watery tears. These watery tears do not have the right balance of nutrients and salts to keep the eyes comfortable so they are different from the soft cushioning layer of tears that prevent friction on each blink. Inflammation and damage from dry eye can make the eyes look red and sore, but in many cases the eye can feel uncomfortable but look normal. Dry eye occurs when tear fluid is no longer produced in sufficient quantity, the quality of tear fluid has changed or the tear fluid evaporates too much, which can be caused by reduced blink frequency which is often found with screen use.
Dry Eye Drops at Rawlings Opticians

Rawlings Opticians carry a range of dry eye drops, gels and ointments to restore moisture in the eye and help ease the uncomfortable symptoms. Our newest product is a unique hydrating ‘artificial tear’, Cationorm®. Cationorm’s® unique solution is the only artificial tear that uses positive cationic emulsion to hold hydration in place. It protects and hydrates the eye, while supporting healing of the cornea (the transparent front part of the eye). A preservative-free option, Cationorm® restores the three layers of the tear film on the eyes and offers relief from eye irritation and discomfort, for everyday use. The oil contained in the drop gives it ‘staying power’ and unlike many other oil-containing drops, it is suitable for use with contact lenses.
In addition to using drops, other treatments such as hot compresses and lid cleaning can be helpful. In more severe cases, ‘plugs’ can be applied to the drainage ducts to help retain tears in the eyes.
If you think you have dry eyes, contact Rawlings Opticians for a personal consultation, as tailored advice & treatment is the best course of action to ease the uncomfortable symptoms. Free NHS appointments are available in many of our locations dependent on the local Clinical Commissioning Group.
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