Retinal Photography

Digital retinal photography has been superseded by Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT), a sophisticated process which using our Nidek RSDUO OCT includes the capturing of a digital retinal photographic image that allows our Optometrists to take a detailed examination of the back of your eye.

The process is very quick and entirely painless. You sit in front of a special camera and in a flash, a digital image is obtained. Observation of the image allows us to view blood vessels on the retina, the macula, and the optic nerve.

It allows us to closely monitor how key structures in the eye change over time. The photograph alone captures a surface view of the back of the eye, whilst the OCT captures the important 9 layers underneath the surface and digitally analyses and takes measurements.

When taking OCT images in conjunction with a photograph, you will see red lines moving in front of you which is the image capture of the many layers at the back of the eye.

Why is it important?

Over time certain conditions can affect the eyes.

These include:

  • Glaucoma
  • Age Related Macular Degeneration
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure

Traditionally Optometrists would write notes and draw diagrams to record information whilst examining the eyes. Digital images are a snapshot in time giving a permanent record which can be compared with other images taken later. This makes it much easier to detect small changes or health problems at an early stage. These pictures are a far more detailed record than could ever be described in written words.

If you are on the Rawlings Vision Plan digital imaging is included as part of the examination. Private and NHS patients can also benefit from either full OCT imaging or just a digital retinal photograph for a small supplement.

Contact or visit one of our practices for more information.

Retinal Photography