The Eye Examination
Our Optometrists will carry out a thorough examination of your eyes, which means far more than just testing your sight to check if you need to wear glasses or contact lenses. We believe that ten or fifteen minutes are simply not long enough for a full examination of an adult's eyes and prefer our Optometrists to take the time needed to give you a comprehensive consultation.
Your examination will begin with a discussion around any eye problems you are experiencing, your eyesight needs and visual environment at work and at home, as well as any health issues that need to be considered. As well as determining your glasses prescription, your eyes will be carefully examined to ensure that they are healthy, which includes screening for conditions such as glaucoma (see Eye health), checks that your muscle balance is normal, and other tests as needed. Sometimes a visual field test is required to check the more peripheral vision. Retinal photography is offered in all our branches.At the end of your appointment the results found will be discussed with you and the Optometrist will give you their recommendations and advice. Our dispensing staff will then be available to give you more detailed advice regarding glasses frames and lenses.

Many of our patients qualify for a free eye examination under the NHS: children and young people up to the age of 19 and still in full-time education, those over the age of 60, sufferers of certain medical and eye conditions and those with limited income. Please contact your nearest practice if you are unsure if you are entitled to a free eye examination.