
Eye Care and Makeup
Posted: Friday 27th September 2019
During National Eye Health Week we would like you to think about your eye hygiene and make up use.
- When did you last check the use by date on your mascara?
- Are you regularly cleaning your eye makeup brushes?
Take a moment to consider your makeup care routine and by following our useful tips you will protect your eye health.
- Wash your hands Hands are a carrier for bacteria and you can transfer these bacteria onto makeup and your eyes. Wash and dry hands before and after makeup application to protect against bacteria transfer
- Don’t share makeup Sharing makeup even with friends and family is a big NO-NO! It is not just the makeup you will be sharing, it is also bacteria. If you have an eye infection, discard all your eye makeup products. The same goes for false lashes – don’t re-use or share them with your friends!
- Correctly store makeup Bacteria love warm, moist temperatures so store makeup in a dry area away from direct sunlight and preferably at room temperature. Always keep lids closed correctly on all products so that moisture can’t get in
- Clean and disinfect regularly Makeup brushes should be cleaned weekly and brushes replaced ideally every 12 months. There is good quality brush cleaning products available. Alternatively a good non-oil based facial cleanser or shampoo can be used. Don’t forget to clean tweezers and lash curlers! Sharpen eye liners before every use and brow pencils regularly to remove any bacterial growth
- Keep an eye on expiry dates Most makeup products have a symbol of an opened container with an expiry date. It is important to follow these dates as after its expiry, products will break down, change in smell, dry out and harbor bacteria
- Remove makeup and clean eye lids Always remove your makeup before going to bed. If you wear contact lenses avoid an oil based eye makeup remover as it will leave a residue on your lids. Products such as Blephasol or Blephaclean are ideal for removing eye makeup & keeping eye lids clean. All our stores stock these products and staff will be happy to assist you
- Never apply eyeliner on the waterline/tightline These are the upper and lower eyelid margins and they have 20-30 gland openings along them which allow important oils and resins to seep onto the surface of the eye to lubricate on every blink. Your eyelid margin travels 100m a day and gland blockages (which can be caused by eyeliner) can eventually cause individual glands to shrivel and die leading to friction and uncomfortable eyes. These glands don’t re-grow if they are lost so they need looking after! Apply your eyeliner amongst your lashes or just to the far side of the lashes – it will also make your eyes look bigger!
- Eyelash extensions, perms and tints These can cause a variety of problems such as infections or allergy. The chemicals in the glue used (or perming or tinting lotion) will cause irritation within hours or days of application in the case of an allergy which may need rapid treatment. Eyelash extensions can trigger inflammation or infection of the eyelid edge, because the area at the base of the extension/root of the lash can become clogged with ‘sleepy dust’ which is food for bacteria. If this occurs it will cause irritation after the lashes have been on for days/weeks if not kept clean. Use a cotton wool bud and a solution such as Blephasol to clean this area
- Don’t apply makeup whilst on the move We’ve all seen people on a bus or the tube applying mascara or lipstick. A sudden jolt with a lipstick will just make a mess - however a mascara brush in the eye can cause a serious injury
- Enjoy wearing your makeup and looking your best by following our tips! You may also want to watch out for our newsletter article on ‘luscious lashes’ which will appear in our autumn Winter newsletter – sign up here
If you need any further advice, then please call in to your local branch, we are always happy to help.
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