
November – Careers month part one: Claire
Posted: 10/11/2023
All of our staff at Rawlings are worth celebrating and are a massive asset to the business, but we have selected a few of our colleagues who have built their career with us and would like to share some of their stories.
The first story is from Claire, who is now one of our Directors and our Chairperson for Rawlings, and has been with the company for 50 years!
"My career with Rawlings started in 1976, working in Winchester and my first role was very junior, but I was keen and interested. When asked in 1984 if I would like to work at the new Chandlers Ford branch which was about to open, I jumped at the chance. In 1988 after a very short period of Maternity leave (four months in those days) and with a young growing family I worked as a Dispensing Assistant part time at Chandlers Ford, Winchester, and the recently opened Alresford branch. I returned to full-time work in 1998 when asked if I would like to take the position of Branch Manager at Chandlers Ford. I loved this role and for me Chandlers Ford branch is still very dear to my heart. In 2004 as a mature student, I studied for my professional qualifications and became a qualified Dispensing Optician in 2007. Whilst studying I was asked to join the Board of Directors and in January 2006, I became the company’s first Human Resources Director, a new role necessary for an expanding and thriving business. As a Branch Manager, I helped oversee the moving of the Chandlers Ford branch to the current premises in 2012 and am very proud of the fact that it has continued to thrive and grow having handed over the reins to Chris Hobbs in 2015 as my Director role evolved. These days as HR Director and Chairperson my time is spent on looking after the welfare of seventy-three staff ensuring that we keep up to date with current employment laws and legislation, staff development and the never-ending cycle of recruitment. Throughout my career I have worked with many supportive and inspiring people, and I am immensely grateful to all those who saw the potential in that shy 16-year-old girl, who never once thought that she would end up as Chairperson of this wonderful Company." - Claire Shipway.

This month and every month all our staff are important and a vital part of what makes us a family at Rawlings.
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