
Wake up to Ortho-K for Myopia Management!
Posted: 27/08/2024
Our last blog introduced the benefits of Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) focussing on the general benefits of overnight lens wear with no glasses or contact lenses needed during the day. We touched on the popularity of Ortho-K as a treatment to slow the progression of short-sight (myopia) in children, and now it is time for a little more information.
The global increase in myopia is of great concern, because as well as limiting career choice and thus potentially life opportunities, it is known that being myopic increases the chances of eye disease in later life, with every increase in myopia increasing those risks. Research into how to reduce this public health issue continues apace across the world.
Myopia Management/Myopia Control are the terms for using specialist treatments to reduce the rate of progression of myopia: the aim is to try to keep myopia down to the lowest possible level in childhood to reduce the risks of adult myopia-related eye diseases. There are spectacle lenses such as MyoCare, MiYOSMART or Stellest and contact lens options which include Ortho-K and soft daily or monthly disposable lenses – MiSight from Coopervision has been available in the UK since 2017 and was used in Asia and Australia prior to this. You can see our website for more information about Myopia Management.
Studies show that Ortho-K is among the most effective treatment choices and in fact a 2023 study found that of all possible methods of correction, Ortho-K is the most commonly used in Asia where rates of myopia (and myopia-related eye disease and blindness) are the highest in the world – so the drive for slowing progression is greatest.

Low dose atropine drops are another Myopia Management treatment however a licenced product for this is not yet available in the UK – when it becomes available it will be used in combination with the spectacle lens or contact lens options for the most effect and we expect that these drops will become available in the UK in the next 2-3 years.
Whilst Myopia Management is successful for most children, for around one in ten of them the genetic drive is too strong and unfortunately this group do not respond to treatment as well as the 90% whose progression slows or stops. In future we may be able to predict who falls into this category are and of course more treatment options will become available over time which may have even higher success rates.

However, the benefits of no lens wear during the day mean that Ortho-K is a popular choice for adults as well as children who simply want to see clearly with their ‘natural’ eyes, quite apart from any potential Myopia Management benefits in children. This is especially true for those involved in sports or careers where contact lenses or glasses would be inconvenient or for water sports including swimming where lenses shouldn’t be worn.
Rawlings Opticians & Hearing Care offer Ortho-K in Hampshire (Winchester branch) and Surrey (Purley branch from September 2024). If you would like to know whether your child is suitable for Ortho-K, or have any other questions about Ortho-K please contact us at
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